Getting Started


To get started with Kweb, you should have some familiarity with Kotlin and Gradle. It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of HTML.

Adding Kweb to your Gradle project

To add Kweb to your Gradle project, you will need to include the following dependencies in your build.gradle or build.gradle.kt files:


dependencies {
  implementation 'io.kweb:kweb-core:1.4.13'

  // This (or another SLF4J binding) is required for Kweb to log errors
  implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.3'


dependencies {

  // This (or another SLF4J binding) is required for Kweb to log errors

Hello world

To create a simple "Hello World" example with Kweb, create a new Kotlin file and enter the following code:

import kweb.*

fun main() {
    Kweb(port = 16097) {
        doc.body {
            h1().text("Hello World!")

Run the file and then visit http://localhost:16097/ in your web browser to see the output. This should display the following HTML body:

  <h1>Hello World!</h1>

This example demonstrates two important features of Kweb:

  • Setting up a kwebsite is easy and does not require servlets or third-party web servers.
  • The structure of your Kotlin code will closely match the structure of the HTML it generates.

Hello world²

One way to think of Kweb is as a domain-specific language (DSL) for building and manipulating a DOM in a remote web browser, while also listening for and handing DOM events. It's important to note that this DSL can also do anything that Kotlin can do, including features like for loops, functions, coroutines, and classes.

Here is a simple example using a Kotlin for loop:

Kweb(port = 16097) {
    doc.body {
        ul {
            for (x in 1..5) {
                li().text("Hello World $x!")

This will produce the following HTML:

      <li>Hello World 1!</li>
      <li>Hello World 2!</li>
      <li>Hello World 3!</li>
      <li>Hello World 4!</li>
      <li>Hello World 5!</li>

Template Repository

You can find a simple template Kweb project in kwebio/kweb-template.