data class SSLConfig(val port: Int = 9091, val host: String = "", val keyStore: KeyStore = defaultKeyStore, val keyStorePath: File? = null, val keyAlias: String = "mykey", val keyStorePassword: () -> CharArray = { "changeit".toCharArray() }, val privateKeyPassword: () -> CharArray = { "changeit".toCharArray() }, val trustStore: KeyStore? = null, val trustStorePath: File? = null, val enabledProtocols: List<String>? = null) : EngineSSLConnectorConfig(source)
Obsolete, this class will be deleted in a future release
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constructor(port: Int = 9091, host: String = "", keyStore: KeyStore = defaultKeyStore, keyStorePath: File? = null, keyAlias: String = "mykey", keyStorePassword: () -> CharArray = { "changeit".toCharArray() }, privateKeyPassword: () -> CharArray = { "changeit".toCharArray() }, trustStore: KeyStore? = null, trustStorePath: File? = null, enabledProtocols: List<String>? = null)