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constructor(port: Int, debug: Boolean = true, plugins: List<KwebPlugin> = Collections.emptyList(), httpsConfig: EngineSSLConnectorConfig? = null, kwebConfig: KwebConfiguration = KwebDefaultConfiguration(), buildPage: WebBrowser.() -> Unit)

The core kwebserver, and the starting point for almost any Kweb app. This will create a HTTP server and respond with a javascript page which will establish a websocket connection to retrieve and send instructions and data between browser and server.


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object Feature : BaseApplicationPlugin<Application, Kweb.Feature.Configuration, Kweb>

If you have an existing Ktor server, you can use the Kweb class as a feature. Adding this to your code is easy:


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The state of "clients", each representing a webbrowser session.

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fun addCallback(sessionId: String, callbackId: Int, callback: (JsonElement) -> Unit)
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fun callJs(sessionId: String, funcCall: FunctionCall, debugInfo: DebugInfo? = null)
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open override fun close()
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fun determineClientPrefix(call: ApplicationCall): String
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Forces all currently connected clients to refresh their pages. This can be useful if there has been a code-change, for example.

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fun removeCallback(clientId: String, callbackId: Int)
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suspend fun respondKweb(call: ApplicationCall, buildPage: WebBrowser.() -> Unit)
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fun sendMessage(sessionId: String, server2ClientMessage: Server2ClientMessage)