Package-level declarations


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data class CloseReason(val explanation: String, val cause: Throwable? = null)
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open class KVal<T>(value: T) : AutoCloseable

A KVal is a read-only observable container for a value of type T. These are typically created by or, but can also be created directly.

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class KVar<T>(initialValue: T) : KVal<T>

A KVar is an observable container for a value of type T. It must be initialized with initialValue, and this can then be modified by setting the KVar.value property. Listeners may be added using KVar.addListener, and these will be called whenever the value is changed.

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class ObservableList<ITEM : Any>(initialItems: List<ITEM> = emptyList()) : MutableList<ITEM> , AutoCloseable

A list of items that can be observed for changes like add, remove, set, etc. Typically passed to renderEach.

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class RenderFragment(val startId: String, val endId: String)
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class RenderHandle<ITEM : Any>(val renderFragment: RenderFragment, val kvar: KVar<ITEM>)
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abstract class ReversibleFunction<Input, Output>(val label: String)

Defines a reversible function, for use by


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fun <A, B> Pair<KVar<A>, KVar<B>>.combine(): KVar<Pair<A, B>>
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fun <O : Any> KVar<O?>.notNull(default: O? = null, invertDefault: Boolean = true): KVar<O>

Bi-directionally map a KVar with nullable type to its non-nullable equivalent.

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operator fun <O : Any> KVal<List<O>>.plus(other: KVal<List<O>>): KVal<List<O>>
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inline fun <O, T> KVar<T>.property(property: KProperty1<T, O>): KVar<O>

Use reflection to create a KVar that bi-directionally maps to a mutable property of an object.

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fun <ITEM : Any, EL : Element> ElementCreator<EL>.renderEach(observableList: ObservableList<ITEM>, itemRenderer: ElementCreator<Element>.(ITEM) -> Unit)

Similar to render, but renders a list of items, and updates the DOM when the list changes.